
Fit to Run?

I'd better be! Marathon weekend just coming up. And what about my actual shape? I am sitting. Daily. Always. Since almost three months now. I will appreciate the time when - finally - there is not pile of eight or nine books on my table which actually should have been read until yesterday.
I want to run. Sincerely. But I simply cannot spare the time. Still,  I am sure to run the marathon. Why you will ask, I suppose. Because I am sure, I am capable and I made an affirmation. 
I am full of sorrow though: Maybe I won't be able to move afterwards for a week and maybe I will be full of remorse. How will I work then? On the other hand I cannot not make it. It would mean to having to dissapoint myself and to actually admitt that the running-group-money was entirely wasted. Moreover, it would be devastating to meet running group people after the run who made it and to be forced admitt that I didn't make it.
Therfore: Fingers crossed on Sunday, please. My affirmation will (hopefully) do the rest.


The Perfect Job!

Running Rat got the perfect job now!
I can and actually have to train endurance as much as pace while working. Unbelieveable? Then you haven't worked as a waitress yet. Especially during Easter time it is amazing what people can eat and drink in almost no time. And this time I am really not talking about myself!
Anyway: it is a training for your whole body. You have to move fast, have to carry much and moreover, have no time to eat or drink at all. It is hot at my work place, too. This way, you not only feel like in a sauna all the time you're actually also perfectly prepared for the Marathon les Sables.
But to be at least a little bit serious: I appreciate this job very much. It helps me get my ideal marathon weight quickly (lost two pounds aready). And after over eight hours of rushing to and fro I am sure to be marathon fit!


On Running Groups

As I mentioned once or twice I payed for attending a running group. Nice thing if you want to get to know people who are interessted in the same stuff as you are. Probably lots of good looking men (and women but who cares). You can also learn so much from your trainers and ask questions about every little problem you seem to be having. You can even ask about you friends' problems. Awesome!

By the by: I never attended above two meetings of my running group during the whole winter. And they were both at the very beginning of it all. Then the weather got bad, it was dark early and I realised: it is simply not my thing to run in the dark parks as they usually did with the group. I am much too anxious to break my dear legs while not recognising the path I run on.
I understand the concept of timing the meetings late at night, though, when most people are free and can actually attend. I, however, really prefer using the daylight especially in winter when it is so bloody sparse anyway.
Therefore, I advise myself to not join a running group during winter again. There is no point in wasting money this way.
Moreover, me, the smart alec, never joined one of the lectures because those graduates in sports science won't be able to teach me anything new anyway. At least this was my excuse for not having to go out in the rain late at night.
On the other hand, I got to know one or two nice runners actually. If I had attend regularly it might have even been more. Well. 
Maybe there is a future for running groups after all. But first, boyfriend#1 needs to be fed up with me (or I with him).

pic by Kingray